Your support means the world to us. We are a community based organization first and foremost, and we can’t rely on grants and government funding to do everything we need to. Your donations sustain our most critical staff positions and go directly to buying supplies for our participants. We spend direct donations on warming supplies, PPE, gas reimbursement for delivery drivers, of course harm reduction supplies and staffing positions.

We specifically need direct funding to cover expenses for supplies that are almost impossible to buy with grant money, and we have grown so fast that our supply budget does not cover everything we need to keep folks safer and healthy. We are proud to be evidence based with everything we offer, and that’s only possible with fundraising from our supporters. Thank you!

Every dollar you give is matched DOLLAR FOR DOLLAR, so giving us $5 means we get $10! Please consider sending us what you can and we will make sure you hear about the impact. HRCSCC is a 501(c)3 Non Profit organization and you can write donations to us off your taxes.

You can reach us at to ask about anything related to donations and fundraising.

We deserve to thrive! Your generous support is what keeps us going, and we appreciate every single person who gives anything they can.